Computers that recognize cancer and in the next second are writing the script for the next Oscar-winning Hollywood movie. Hard to believe, yet part of our reality. Technologies change the world.
We are currently making great strides into the future, but which technologies are changing the world as we know it?

What is a technology?

Before we ask ourselves which technologies will change the world, we should first talk about what a technology is.
The suffix -logy is found in many different words such as biology, theology or even criminology and means nothing more than science.
In our case we are talking about the science of technology, the application of scientific thinking and working to solve practical problems.
Innovative solutions, built on knowledge that makes our lives easier, absolutely interdisciplinary. It includes both the knowledge of the design, manufacture and application of tools, machines, materials and processes, as well as their practical application in various fields such as industry, medicine, communications, transportation, energy and many others.

Current technology trends

What technologies are currently simplifying our lives?
A brief overview of current technologies that have a significant impact in our current world.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
    Computers that can use machine learning to automate and understand processes themselves, the more they are used, the faster and more accurately they can handle tasks given to them. So far, AI has mainly revolutionized areas of communication and information retrieval.

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
    The automatic networking of everyday objects, we use it to create intelligent and highly technological environments, often increasing our efficiency.

  • Blockchain
    Go hand in hand with cryptocurrencies, but is the technology behind and can do much more than “just” Bitcoin. The blockchain enables a complete documentation of information by stringing together data records in individual blocks.

Is it even possible to predict where the journey with the technologies is going?
The future of technologies is a complex prediction, so no one really knows where the journey is going.
However, there are many experts who deal with these topics and find approaches to predict the future trends of technology with the help of trend analysis, scenario development and technology roadmapping.

And which technologies are the future?

Now that we have caught up and know what constitutes a technology and which ones we are currently already dealing with in everyday life, it is of course interesting to finally know what the next weeks, months and years will bring.

  • Quantum computing
    As early as the 1980s, people were already thinking about it, and it was then that it became clear what potential this technology had. Long before Apple, Microsoft and Co.
    But what can a quantum computer do that my PC at home can’t? Find out here
    The possibilities would be of extraordinary importance for cryptography, medicine and many other sciences.

  • Genome Editing
    Designer babies, no more serious diseases, the perfect human.
    The editing of gene sequences opens up possibilities that we have been dreaming of for generations. Plants, animals and humans, in theory the blueprint of all could be changed to adapt to external conditions. Find more information here

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
    Ever seen the Niagara Falls, or been for a walk on Mars? Virtual reality makes it possible to do so without ever leaving your living room.
    With the help of augmented reality, the simulated world can be integrated into the real world. It can be used to furnish rooms, try on glasses or in medicine. Here, too, the fields of application are very diverse. Find more information here

  • Autonomous driving
    With the help of 5G, which enables real-time Internet, vehicles can be controlled entirely without a driver. This makes it easier to integrate the elderly and people with disabilities into the transport system. Rural areas could also be opened up by public transport and, depending on the degree of development, accident rates could also be reduced. Find more information here

Even though we have already tapped into parts of these technologies for ourselves, we are still far from the real potential of these technologies. Also the above mentioned like AI, Blockchain etc. will create some more possibilities in the future and will have a big impact on our lives. Any second our cell phone could also vibrate and suddenly news of a new technology spreads like wildfire.

The moral component cannot be ignored in all this progress. We are jumping higher, further and with less effort than ever before. But at what price? We as a society need to put on the brakes and collectively set the rules on how we deal with progress. An example of this is the open letter of many pioneers of artificial intelligence, since we have not yet created a legal framework, but the development is just massively advanced.

Moore`s Law, named after Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, states that the number of circuits on a chip doubles every 12-24 months. Since 2023 it becomes narrow on the chips… perhaps the big appearance of the quantum mechanics comes here.